Recurring events
EasyDNNnews enables adding of recurring events. To create a recurring event it is necessary to turn the option “Recurrence” on when adding an event. After that, the panel with the options for adjusting settings for recurrence will appear. The following recurrence types are possible: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
Daily recurrence type
In the field “Every” you enter the interval (number of days) in which the recurrences will occur.
In the field “Display upcoming occurrences” you enter how many recurrences of events we want to show in advance.
If the option “Ends after occurrences” is chosen, then you can set a number of recurrences after which an event ends.
If the option “End by date” is chosen, then you can set a date to which the recurrences end.
Weekly recurrence type
In the field “Recur every week(s) on” you enter the interval (number of weeks) in which the recurrences will occur.
Then you choose a day in a week when the recurrences will occur.
In the field “Display upcoming occurrences” you enter how many recurrences of events we want to show in advance.
If the option “Ends after occurrences” is chosen, then you can set a number of recurrences after which an event ends.
If the option “End by date” is chosen then you can set a date to which the recurrences end.
Monthly recurrence type
If the option “Repeated on” is chosen, then you can select the first, the second, the third, the fourth or the last specific day in a week and a monthly interval of recurring events.
If the option “Repeated on day” is chosen, then you can choose the recurrences of an event on a specific date in a month and a monthly recurrence interval.
In the field “Display upcoming occurrences” you enter how many recurrences of events we want to show in advance.
If the option “Ends after occurrences” is chosen, then you can enter a number of recurrences after which an event ends.
If the option “End by date” is chosen then you can set a date to which the recurrences end.
Yearly recurrence type
If the option “Every” is chosen, then you can set a month in a year and a certain day in a month when the recurrences of an event will occur.
If the option “The” is chosen, then you can select the first, the second, the third, the fourth or the last specific day in a week and a month in a year when the recurrence will occur.
In the field Display upcoming occurrences you enter how many recurrences of events we want to show in advance.
If the option “Ends after occurrences” is chosen, then you can enter a number of recurrences after which an event ends.
If the option “End by date” is chosen then you can set a date to which the recurrences end.