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EasyDNNnews User's manual

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Version history 6.x

Version 6.6

  • added the randomize function for displaying of articles
  • added the restriction by date function
  • improved performance and caching
  • fixed an issue with filtering by tags
  • fully compatible with DNN 7.3.3.


Version 6.5


Version 6.4.5

  • added the possibility to filter the Calendar module per categories by using the Categories menu module


Version 6.4

  • added the Export and Import option
    • allows for exporting of all content from the module (articles, events, categories, custom fields, galleries, documents...)
    • the exported content can be imported to another site or portal
    • added the Import option from Excel files
  • added the Print button that allows for creating the printer friendly version of articles
  • added the HTML template for Documents in articles (new tokens for the file type, number or downloads, etc..)
  • added the HTML template for Related articles (new tokens for more displaying options, e.g. now is possible to display the article image)
  • added the HTML template for Links in articles
  • improved SEO with the possibility to set an instance of the module that display the canonical links
  • added the possibility to choose how the main article image is cropped
  • added the possibility to send the notifications only for selected categories
  • Fix for autoposting to Facebook
  • DNN 7.3 compatible


Version 6.3.5

  • added the visiblity option for the satelite modules - the possiblity to show or hide the satelite modules in the article list or details mode
  • added an option for sending of notifications about new comments on the article to the author
  • improved the integration with the Gravity gallery (EasyDNNgallery module)
    • the possiblity to set a gallery category where article galleries will be saved
    • the publish and expire dates for the article galleries are now automaticaly set according to the publish and expire dates of the article
  • added an opion to display a time zone of events in the Calendar module
  • lots of small enahacenents and optimizations
  • Widget module - Filer menu - added on option for choosing between the AND or OR search function
  • News URL Provider - fixes for the localization and pagination. Performance optimization.  
  • StyleWizard - fixes in themes
  • added an import tool for DNN Blog 6


Version 6.3

  • added export/import for custom fields groups. This feature allows for exporting of created custom fields to other sites.
  • DNN search - custom fields are now searchable through DNN search
  • improved filtering and searching of custom fields, articles and events
  • improved adding of recurring events
  • added the possibility to automatically set Main article image (Settings > Default edit presets)


Version 6.2.5

  • StyleWizard - a few improvements and a promo video - Watch video
  • Events - fixed bugs related to sorting and displaying of events
  • Custom Fields - fixed bugs related to tokens and search
  • added a WordPress import tool
  • added a Ventrian News articles import tool


Version 6.2

  • StyleWizard Read more | Demo
    • EasyDNNstyleWizard is a new tool that will allow you to easily adjust EasyDNNnews themes and our skins, without having to change CSS code. Simply change colors, fonts, borders, shadows and backgrounds by using this simple WYSIWYG tool.
  • Recurring Events
    • From now on you can create Recurring events in EasyDNNnews. Create events recurring in daily, weekly, monthly or yearly intervals. Use advanced options to set the recurring interval accurately.


Version 6.1

  • Custom fields Read more | Demo
    • Previous custom fields, presented in version 6.0, have now been significantly upgraded. Newly added features include search option, added related fields, localization and much more.
      You can now turn EasyDNNnews into a powerful tool for online business directories and catalogs dealing with real estate, cars, all kinds of products, recipes etc.
    • Custom fields Search
      • Added possibility of custom fields search (EasyDNNnews Search module > Advanced search)
      • Search form's appearance is defined in CSS (all the existing forms have been enhanced)
      • Range slider – an option to search by means of min and max fields value
      • Linking categories with Custom fields groups. This allows a display of search fields related to desired category. For example, "Cars" category displays a custom fields group with relevant fields for cars, whereas "Trucks" category displays a custom fields group with relevant fields for trucks
    • Related Custom fields
      • lets you create related parent and child fields. This allows for linking data across fields. One of the possible examples is linking of fields "Car manufacturer" and "Car model". If BMW is selected as car manufacturer, suggested models will be from BMW's gamma (1 series, 2 series, 3 series…). If Mercedes is selected as car manufacturer, suggested models will be from Mercedes's gamma (A-Class, C-Class, E-Class…)
    • Custom fields' localization
      • Lets you localize custom fields labels and help text
      • Localization of values entered into custom fields (only txt type field)
    • Custom fields tokens
      • Conditional tokens for each custom field in the template
      • An option to define token's display: only value, only label, label and value
  • New functionalities for managing documents within articles
    • An  option to localize documents (with a choice to select the language in which certain document will be displayed)
    • An option to show/hide documents
    • An overview of statistics of document's downloads
    • Replace function
    • Upload of multiple documents at once
    • Automatic completion of document's title field with the document's file name
    • An option to change document's position
    • Document token – add a link to a document in article content and article summary by means of a token
    • Secure file function prevents the unauthorized download of documents
    • Add existing documents function - allows adding documents to an article from other articles (this is only possible for documents of the same author). When this option is used, a document will not be duplicated but will only be referenced to the original document. If a document is replaced in one article, it will automatically be replaced in all articles.
  • Newly added Links panel – a new panel for adding links to articles
    • An option to add various kind of links (external link, page link, article link, existing link)
    • Link token function – and option to add a link into article content or article summary by means of a token
    • Localization of links (an option to select which language the link will be displayed in)
  • Infinite scroll paging
    • Added option of Infinite scroll paging
    • An option to choose between classic paging, Infinite scroll via button and Infinite scroll via button and scrolling
  • Advanced Image management
    • Supported HTML5 upload for new browser and mobile devices
    • Added load indicator while setting Main article image
  • Other features
    • An option of obligatory adding an event in Add/Edit form (Settings > 10. Edit form default presets)
    • Numerous small enhancements, fixes and other improvements under the hood :-)


New in version 6.0

  • Custom fields
  • URL provider form DNN 7.1x
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Last update: 04.01.2016 / Rate this article:
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