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EasyDNNnews User's manual


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Facebook comments

If you wish to use Facebook comments in EasyDNNnews module, they need to be selected in the EasyDNNnews module's settings (section 11. Comments).

There are two ways to allow the use of Facebook comments. One is to register the application on Facebook (you must be registered as a developer on Facebook), and thus obtain a Facebook APP ID. The other way is to obtain a USER ID from Facebook. This way is somewhat simpler, but it does not allow you to moderate comments.

Facebook APP ID
Enter Facebook APP ID in this field. If you are using Facebook comments by means of the USER ID, you can leave value None in this field. See instructions below on how to register the application on Facebook.

Facebook USER ID
Enter Facebook USER ID in this field. You can obtain your USER ID by opening this web site:

Replace "Your username" in the link with your authentic user name. After that, another page will open, containing something like this:












   "id": "1010110001",

   "name": "Your Name ",

   "first_name": "Name",

   "last_name": "Last Name",

   "link": " your_username",

   "username": " your_username",

   "gender": " gender ",

   "locale": " locale "


The value for "id" is your User ID that you need to enter into USER ID field in the EasyDNNnews module. If you are using Facebook comments via registered application, you have already entered your APP ID into the previous field, Facebook APP ID, so you can leave value None in this field.

Number of comments per page:
Enter the number of comments to be displayed per web page.

Select Facebook comments theme.
Here you can select between Dark and Light themes, offered by Facebook for comments.

After setting up these options, Facebook comments will appear under your articles. Setting up and moderation of comments are possible within your Facebook user account.

How to register the application on Facebook

In order to create the application on Facebook, you must register as a developer on the page

On the page click on Apps menu. In the upper right corner of the page, click on Creat New App icon.

Data you need to enter while registering the application:

Basic Info
Display name
Contact Email
App Domains

Note: For your display name use a different name from your Facebook page name. We have noticed a frequent occurrence of problems if both the page and the application have the same name.

Sandbox mode: disabled

App on Facebook
Canvas URL
Secure Canvas URL

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Last update: 04.01.2016 / Rate this article:
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