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EasyDNNnews User's manual

How to simplify the Add-Edit Article Form

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Document management

EasyDNNnews comes with in-built document management enabling it add document into articles in a simple manner. The added documents are displayed at the bottom of the article in a separate box, and by using a token they can be added to the article's summary or content.

In the add/edit form there is a Document panel which enables us to manage documents. On top there are two radio buttons. "Upload new documents" allows for adding documents from your computer. If "Add existing document" is selected, we can choose between documents we have already added to another article. We can only add our existing documents. Documents added by another user will not be available to us.


1) Adding new documents to an article

Click on the button "Select documents". In the window that opens select one or more documents and click on "Open". In the panel, squares with titles of selected documents will be displayed. Clicking on "Upload" will finish the process of uploading the documents into the article.

The added documents will be presented in a table.

2) Adding existing documents

If you have already added some documents to articles, they do not be added again from the computer. They can be added from the list of existing documents. To add an existing document to an article, you need to select "Add existing document". Then type the beginning of the desired document's title in the field "Search document" and click on the document offered to you. Click on "Add" button.

3) Editing documents

Each document has its title, description and info data not present in the actual article, label for the languages it is presented in, "Show" label that means that the document is displayed in the Download documents window in the article, as well as its position's number.

Clicking on the pencil button will open a dialog frame where we can edit the document's title and description, replace an existing file, choose language(s) the document will be displayed in (this is only possible if at least one more language has been added to the default DNN portal's language), and switch on display in the article's Document box. When we have finished, we can either save or cancel the changes.

4) Adding a document to the article's summary or content

In the table below the document's title you will notice a small window with a token looking like [/EasyDNNnewsDocument|1]. You can copy and drop the token into the article's summary or content. Instead of the token, the document will be presented in the article at that position.

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Last update: 03.01.2016 / Rate this article:
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