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Setting up discounts

You can setup discounts for your events. To do this, edit the event where you want to setup discounts.

Under the “Add as event:” section at the end you can add and edit discounts. There are two ways to add discounts: by a price unit or by a percentage.

This is an example where we will add 5 money units discount for someone who buys 2 tickets:


The price for the ticket is 10$ and when a user buys 2 tickets he or she will receive 5$ discount and pay for 2 tickets 15$.

The second way is to add discount by a percentage. We will add a discount of 20 percent for someone who buys 2 tickets.


When user buys 2 tickets he will receive 20% discount. 2 tickets cost 20$ and 20% discount is 4$, so the user will pay 16$.

This is how it will look like on the payment form:


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Last update: 04.01.2016 / Rate this article:
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