Tuesday, October 22, 2024
User manualsEasyDNNnews

EasyDNNnews User's manual

Version history 4.x

Previous Article Version history 5.x

Version history 4.x

New in version 4.9.2

  • Import tool
    • import from DNN Blog 4.x
    • import from DNN Announcements


New in version 4.9

  • Filtering of articles improvements
    • it is now possible to make your own of list of articles to be displayed in the news module instance
    • if only one article is selected, its details will be opened in the module's instance. This option allows us to use EasyDNNnews module as an HTML module.
  • SEO improvements
    • added Articles site map
    • option to configure Article Page Meta title
    • full SEO optimization for multilingual articles
      • article URL is generated for each separate language, and it contains a localized article title
      • option to localize meta description
      • option to localize meta keywords
      • localized category links
      • localized tag links
  • Events and Calendar improvements
    • added Advanced calendar, able to display multiple articles or events for a single date. It enables display of events on a separate page in a large format calendar. It provides the option to export all events from the calendar (iCalendar), RSS feeds for events and articles, as well as a link to the list of events.
    • newly added tooltips for Simple and Advanced calendar
      • in Simple calendar, tooltips are displayed by moving the mouse over the desired date
      • in Advanced calendar, tooltips are displayed by moving the mouse over the title
      • tooltips feature the title, main article image, short description, publish / event date and event location
    • option to withhold end date for events
    • option to add event location by using the built-in Google map editor, with multiple locations available
    • a new token to display event location in an article
    • supported export of events into iCalendar format. By using this format now you can also import events into products that support iCalendar. iCalendar format is supported by a wide range of products, including Microsoft Office Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Yahoo Calendar and many others.
  • RSS improvements
    • added option to set the maximum number of characters in RSS
    • option to set the number of articles available in an RSS feed
    • added token for the RSS feed of an entire instance (articles from all categories)
    • added option to generate an RSS feed for upcoming events
    • added option to generate an RSS feed in Advanced calendar for articles and events
  • Tags and Tag cloud improvements
    • option to filter articles by tags. In an instance of the news module you can display only those articles that contain selected tags.
    • tag cloud can now dynamically display tags from the currently selected category. In other words, while navigating through multiple categories, only the currently selected category's tags are displayed.
  • Responsive design now supported
    • added fluid layout for Lightbox gallery and Chameleon gallery used in an article
    • themes are now fluid themes and they work with responsive skins
    • due to fluid themes and galleries, EasyDNNnews can be used with responsive skins
  • Other improvemenst
    • newly added Open graph tags for an enhanced precision of social sharing
    • added author alias (option to add an author alias for each article)
    • option to switch Geotagging on and off in the built-in Google map editor
    • user avatars displayed with the posted comment can be either a DNN profile image or an avatar from Gravatar service
    • EasyDNNnews Search now searches articles by subtitles and tags
    • Featured articles can now maintain their position on top, before any other articles
    • improved display of articles in columns when HTML tables are used. Now the width of columns can be set, in addition to their number.
    • Opening article details in an instance by category
      • It is now possible to set which instance of the module will open article details, according to the article's category. For each category and subcategory it is possible to set a separate instance of EasyDNNnews module. This option is added to the main News module as well as Category menu modules.


New in version 4.8.7

  • DNN7 ready


New in version 4.8.6

- Go Social with DNN and EasyDNNnews


New in version 4.8.5

- Go Social with DNN and EasyDNNnews



New in version 4.8.2

  • the satellite module Categories menu now allows to display the category image
  • author tokens supported in Article_list template
  • EasyDNNnews now works on MS Azure


New in version 4.8

  • Integration with DotNetNuke Journal (Only available in DNN 6.2x)
    • added support for DotNetNuke Journal
    • EasyDNNnews can now post an action to the Journal. Actions that can be posted are publications of a new article, event or comment.
    • in module settings it is possible to set what will be published in the Journal. It is possible to select a title, subtitle, article image and the article's summary.
    • it is possible to set who can see a post (Everyone, Community members, Friends, Private).
    • publishing in the Journal is optional for each article. You can choose while saving it whether you want to publish it in the Journal.
    • log data for each article is saved, making it possible to see visible whether a particular article has already been published in the Journal, and who has published it.
    • in module permissions, it is possible to set which role or user may publish at Journal, Twitter and Facebook
    • support for Journal is available only if you are using DNN 6.2 or newer.



  • Integration with Twitter and Facebook (Only available in DNN 6.2x)
    • added support for automatic publishing at Twitter or Facebook
    • option to publish a post at Twitter or Facebook, notifying your users about each of your new articles
    • publishing at Twitter or Facebook is optional, and each time an article is saved there is an option whether it will be published at Twitter or Facebook
    • it is possible to set up user accounts for posting at Facebook or Twitter for the entire portal or for each particular instance of the module. That enables publishing at multiple Twitter and Facebook accounts from the same portal.
    • URL of articles published at Twitter is automatically shortened by means of URL shortener.
    • log data for each article is saved, making it possible to see where and when a particular article has been published.
    • in module permissions, it is possible to set which role or user may publish at Journal, Twitter and Facebook
    • integration with Twitter or Facebook is available as from DNN 6.2 or newer.
  • System notifications (Only available in DNN 6.2x)
    • added support for system notifications
    • it is possible to set for users from a particular role or individual users to be notified about adding a new article, adding a new event, about a new article waiting for approval, about a new commentary and a new commentary waiting for approval.
    • optionally, it is possible to notify a user whether his or her article has been approved or rejected.
    • notifications are sent to user's message center, wherefrom they can be forwarded on to user's email.
    • support for system notifications is available only if you are using DNN 6.2 or newer.


New in version 4.7.5

  • Cross Portal sharing – now you can share articles between portals
  • Support for aggregating videos from Youtube RSS feeds into articles
  • Support for aggregating videos from Vimeo RSS feeds into articles


New in version 4.7

  • Events in EasyDNNnews module (demo1demo2demo3)
    As of 4.7 release of EasyDNNnews module, it is possible to publish articles as events. Articles (events) added in this manner can be displayed in the calendar (EasyDNNnews Calendar). What makes an event article different from other articles is that it features a mark announcing an event. Otherwise, this type of article features all the options of any other article, so an event article may contain a gallery, a Google map, documents, tags, commentaries, it can be shared through social networks, etc.  It is possible to adjust the appearance of event articles by HTML templates and new tokens which display event dates.

    EasyDNNnews module:
    • an article can be published as an event
    • an article published as an event can be displayed in the calendar (EasyDNNnews Calendar)
    • new option to filter articles added as events in the main module

  • EasyDNNnews calendar module can now:
    • display only the article archive
    • display the article archive as well as events together in the calendar. In this case, the articles are displayed in the calendar according to their publishing date, whereas events are displayed according to a particular event's execution. If an event takes several days to be executed, all the days of execution are displayed in the calendar.
    • display events only. This includes the option to filter events by categories and authors.
    • Display of the box with the upcoming events with a link to the event. Number of upcoming events that will be displayed can be specified.
  • Permissions per article
    As of 4.7 release, there is an option to set permissions for viewing and editing each particular article. Older releases have already been able to allow setting permissions by categories.

    Permissions can be set by roles and users. Permissions set for each particular article override all other permissions.

    Option to edit permissions by article is enabled in the settings module by roles and by the user.


New in version 4.6.5

  • New BlogTwo Light template
    • In addition to BlogOne, NewsOne template and BlogTwo Dark, a new BlogTwo Light template has been added for the main news module and all satellite modules
    • You can now choose between three templates: BlogOne, NewsOne and BlogTwo Dark or Light
    • For each module or instance of main and all satellite modules it is possible to select the desired template in Settings
    • Modern appearance, CSS3 for newer browsers, simple editing via CSS
    • Different templates (layouts) for list article display, details display, multiarticle display, catalog display…
  • BlogTwo Light skin – a new skin, free with EasyDNNnews module
    • CSS3 for newer browsers
    • Different layouts (1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns)
    • Appearance adjusted to BlogTwo Light template from EasyDNNnews module


New in version 4.6

  • New BlogTwo Dark template
    • In addition to BlogOne and NewsOne template, a new BlogTwo Dark template has been added for the main news module and all satellite modules
    • You can now choose between three templates: BlogOne, NewsOne and BlogTwo Dark
    • For each module or instance of main and all satellite modules it is possible to select the desired template in Settings
    • Modern appearance, CSS3 for newer browsers, simple editing via CSS
    • Different templates (layouts) for list article display, details display, multiarticle display, catalog display…
  • BlogTwo Dark skin – a new skin, free with EasyDNNnews module
    • CSS3 for newer browsers
    • Different layouts (1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns)
    • Appearance adjusted to BlogTwo Dark template from EasyDNNnews module
  • Improved usability of the Article manager
  • Added option to select the quality of JPEGs  


New in version 4.5

  • Authors (new)
    • Editing author's profile
      • Short biography / CV
      • Full biography / CV
      • Links to author's social pages (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn)
      • Author's photo or avatar
      • First name, family name and contact e-mail are taken from DNN profile
        (author can be permitted to individually edit his/her profile)
  • Author groups (new)
    • Several authors can be organized within Author groups
    • An Author group can have its own profile, which may contain:
      • Short info
      • Links to social pages of author group/company (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, web page)
      • Group's photo or avatar
      • Contact e-mail
    • Display of articles by author and groups
      • Filtering articles by authors, entire groups and categories
    • RSS by author and groups
    • Improved Category menu module, which can now display authors and author groups in addition to categories
  • Author box (new)
    • Author box can be displayed below each article (selectable in Settings)
    • Box can contain contact form, photo or avatar, short biography and links to author's social network pages
    • Box's appearance can be edited with HTML templates and tokens
  • Author group box (new)
    • Author group box can be displayed below each article (selectable in Settings)
    • Author group box can contain contact form, photo or avatar, short info and links to  social networks and web pages
    • Author group box's appearance can be edited with HTML templates and tokens
  • Advanced RSS feed (new) – aggregate news feeds into EasyDNNnews module
    • Aggregating external RSS feed into selected category
    • Display of RSS feed articles in the same way as any other manually added articles into the module
    • Option to set a scheduler which automatically aggregates feeds
    • Option to limit the number of RSS feed articles
    • Option to automatically download images from RSS feed (if present within the feed), and set the downloaded image as the main article image
    • Option to open articles in details display, or open articles at original location
    • Aggregated articles from RSS feed are visible in Article Manager, along with manually added articles, which enables their editing, adding images, galleries, detailed text, comments…
  • New NewsOne template with 4 different styles (grey, red, green, blue)
    • In addition to BlogOne template, a new NewsOne template has been added for the main news module and all satellite modules
    • You can now choose between two templates: BlogOne and NewsOne
    • Both templates (BlogOne and NewsOne) are available in several different colors
    • For each module or instance of main and all satellite modules it is possible to select the desired template in Settings
    • Modern appearance, CSS3 for newer browsers, simple editing via CSS
    • Different themes (layouts) for list article display, details display, multiarticle display, catalog display…
    • New Lightbox gallery theme and Chameleon gallery theme, its appearance adjusted to NewsOne template (available with installed EasyDNNgallery)
    • New themes for Carousel rotator, Chameleon rotator and Advanced rotator (available with installed EasyDNNrotator)
  • NewsOne skin – a new skin, free with EasyDNNnews module
    • Available in 4 colors, CSS3 for newer browsers
    • Different layouts (1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns)
    • Appearance adjusted to NewsOne template from EasyDNNnews module
    • New attractive GIGA menu for DNN
    • Theme adjusted for EasyDNNmailChimp module (theme available with EasyDNNmailChimp module)
    • Adjusted design allows for simple change of colors and backgrounds
  • Support for insertion of Google maps into articles
    • Each article can have a Main article map (similar to Main article image), which can be retrieved from an HTML template with a token ([EasyDNNnews:ArticleMap])
    • An unlimited number of maps can be additionally embedded into an article details by generated tokens
    • An upgraded Map editor makes possible:
      • Setting the map size
      • Setting an unlimited number of markers
      • Editing markers (title and description), as well as positioning them
      • Creating tokens for insertion of embed maps into the details
      • Search engine for finding a position within a map
      • GeoTagging (supported in newer browsers)
  • Editor of tokens for adding images, video and audio from a gallery into the Details
    • Optional choice of image dimensions, image resizing, opening in Lightbox, display of titles, descriptions, positions…
  • Automatic selection of child categories
    • By switching on this option for automatic selection of categories (news settings and satellite modules settings), it is no longer necessary to go through settings and select a newly added category every time a new category is added, if a parent has already been selected.
  • New in CategoryMenu module
    • Now it is possible to select permissions determining how categories will be displayed. It is possible for categories to be displayed according to portal permissions, permissions of certain instances of news module, or they can be bypassed altogether. If "Bypass permissions" option has been selected, the user will see all categories, regardless of permissions.
    • The choice of display of categories or authors (Autoselect child categories/authors" option.)
  • New in Calendar module
    • Now it is possible to select permissions determining how articles in the calendar and the archive will be displayed. Categories can be displayed according to default portal permissions, permissions of certain instances of news modules, or they can be bypassed altogether. If "Bypass permissions" option has been selected, the user will see all articles in the archive and the calendar, regardless of permissions.
    • Optional choice of categories from which the articles will be displayed in the calendar or the archive. Optional "Autoselect child category".
  • New in Tags module
    • Now it is possible to select permissions which will set the display of tags. It is possible for tags to be displayed according to default portal permissions, permissions of certain instances of news modules, or they can be bypassed altogether. If "Bypass permissions" option has been selected, the user will see all tags, regardless of permissions.
    • Optional choice of categories from which the articles will be. Optional "Autoselect child category".
  • New in Search module
    • Search results can be displayed in the main news module.
    • Now it is possible to select permissions which will set search results. It is possible for search results to be displayed according to default portal permissions, permissions of certain instances of news modules, or they can be bypassed altogether. If "Bypass permissions" option has been selected, the user will see all search results, regardless of permissions. If search results are set to be opened in the main news module, those permissions will be valid which have been set for the main news module they are opened with.
    • Selection of categories with autoselect child option according to which articles with will be searched.
    • Selection of authors/groups according to which articles will be searched
  • Other
    • Optional opening of detailed first article when opening a page


New in version 4.4

  • Improved DNN search integration. Now you can select which module will list its results in the DNN search.
  • Added  option to open first article in category or to open first article by date when there is only one article.
  • Improved RSS listing. RSS now list only articles from that are selected in the news module.


New in version 4.3.5

  • Improved SEO URL creation
    Improved support for various international character sets for better SEO URL creation.
  • Bugfixes:
    - Fixed problem with article gallery


New in version 4.3

  • Improved RSS - Improved RSS compatibility and validation.
  • Better DNN search integration - Improved integration with DNN search.


New in version 4.2.5

New date selector

  • Added new jQuery date selector when adding or edit articles.

New article list layout template

  • Added new layout template for article list with normal date.

Bug fixes:

  • Improved script for SEO URL generation when pasting article title.
  • Fixed highlighting search results.


New in version 4.2


  • added support for Facebook comments
  • added support for Disqus comments

Integration with EasyDNNgallery

  • now you can use Chameleon gallery presentation inside article (Chameleon gallery is available from EasyDNNgallery 4.1)
  • Chameleon gallery supports nested galleries inside article


  • a lot of small bugs fixed
  • optimization and performance improvement

BlogOne skin (4 color - gray, green, blue and red - DNN5 and DNN6 skin)

  • improved look with CSS3
    * BlogOne skin is free with EasyDNNnews


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