Tuesday, October 22, 2024
User manualsEasyDNNgallery

EasyDNNgallery User's Manual


Nested galleries

Nested galleries is a term that marks a hierarchic organization of galleries. It allows the user to navigate through multiple galleries or multiple categories and galleries (Gravity gallery).

Nested galleries in EasyDNNgallery are supported in Gravity gallery, Chameleon gallery, Portfolio Pro gallery, Lightbox portfolio gallery, Lightbox gallery and Lightbox Caption slider.

Nested galleries can be enabled by switching on the option Display Nested galleries in the settings of the selected type of gallery. Then you can select the galleries you wish (from the selected category), or you can choose to display all the galleries from a certain category.

Following this, you should set up additional options related to display of nested galleries.

Gravity gallery provides a more advanced way of using nested galleries, allowing you to select multiple categories and galleries. 



Last update: 19.01.2016 / Rate this article:
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