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User manualsEasyDNNgallery

EasyDNNgallery User's Manual


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A gallery can contain a single item, or an unlimited number of items. EasyDNNgallery supports images, videos and audios as data types that can be added to galleries. All three types of data can be added into a single category.

To create a new gallery, in the previous step we have selected a category.

In the field Gallery name you should enter the gallery's name, and in the field Description you should enter its description. Description is an optional field. Click on + button to create a new category.


After creating a gallery, it will be displayed in the list of galleries.


By clicking on Open button you can open a selected gallery. After that, new items can be added to the gallery, or existing ones can be edited.

By clicking on Edit button you can change the gallery's name and description. Save your changes by clicking on Update, and cancel them by clicking on Cancel.

By clicking on Delete button you can delete the selected gallery. A gallery can be deleted only if it's empty, that is, if it doesn't contain any items.

Setup dates / permissions
By clicking on Setup dates / permissions button you can set the gallery's status. There is a choice between Draft or Publish status. If Approved option is selected, that means that the gallery has been approved for publishing.

Publish date is the date on which the gallery begins to be published, and expire date is the date after which the gallery won't be published anymore.

To be able to add content to galleries, first you need to select a category, then a gallery. After a gallery has been selected, you can add items to it.

Items are added to galleries from the menu Add media.


It is necessary to select the type of file that will be added to a gallery. Possible choices include images, video or audio.

Adding Images

Upload single image - select this option to add a single image from your computer.
Multi image upload - select this option to add multiple images from your computer in one step.
Upload zip file - select this option to upload a zip file containing multiple images from your computer. All images from the zip file will be added to the gallery. The zip file mustn't contain subfolders.

Quick Edit – enables quick inline editing of item titles and descriptions.
Open in Editor – enables editing names, subtitles and descriptions, adds a link to be opened by clicking on an image (if necessary), replaces an image with a later one and uploads the download version.
Delete – enables deleting items. Deleting is permanent.
Move/Copy – enables moving or copying items to other galleries.


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Last update: 19.01.2016 / Rate this article:
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