Version history
Version history 5.x
New in version 5.0
- Added option to set the Start / End date for each slide
- Added new themes for the Chameleon rotator
- Improved the integration with EasyDNNnews module
- added the possibility of hiding the rotator when details of an article are open
- added the possibility to dynamically displays articles according to the selected category
- added the option of not displaying non-localized articles (requires EasyDNNnews 5.0)
- Improved loading performance
New in version 5.5
- DNN 7.1 and MS Azure ready
- the module supports the database object qualifier
- implemented the iPortable feature for settings – allows exporting and importing of settings by using the DNN export/import feature
New in version 5.9
- Chameleon rotator
- improved the responsive mode. Now the rotator can be proportionally resized according to the width of the skin (demo1, demo2, demo3, demo4, demo5, demo6).
- added new responsive presets
- updated Flow player
- MultiCarousel
- added a token for displaying a publish date from the EasyDNNnews module
- Manage Content
- added a function for faster changing the position of items