Templates and tokens
To provide an enhanced flexibility of text-based elements' adjustment, we have added HTML templates for some displays. HTML template can enable, for instance, adding a Read more button, custom fields tokens for the display of custom fields from EasyDNNnews module, category name from EasyDNNnews module, event date token and event location token for the display of date and location of the event taking place.
HTML template is now available for the Chameleon rotator, Tab rotator, MultiCarousel, Carousel 3D, SizeShifter rotator.
HTML templates locations:
Chameleon rotator /DesktopModules/EasyDNNrotator/Controls/ChameleonRotator/static/themes/(themename)/templates/
MultiCarusel rotator /DesktopModules/EasyDNNrotator/Controls/CarouselRotator/static/themes/(themename)/templates/
SizeShifter rotator /DesktopModules/EasyDNNrotator/Controls/SizeShifterRotator/static/themes/(themename)/templates/
Tab rotator /DesktopModules/EasyDNNrotator/Controls/MultiRotator/RotatorType/
Carousel 3D rotator /DesktopModules/EasyDNNrotator/Controls/MultiRotator/RotatorType/
[EasyDNNrotator:Thumb] – returns the path of the thumb image
[EasyDNNrotator:Title] – displays the title of the image
[EasyDNNrotator:Title:Limit:20] – limits the displayed title to 20 characters
[EasyDNNrotator:SubTitle] – displays the subtitle of the image
[EasyDNNrotator:SubTitle:Limit:20] – limits the displayed subtitle to 20 characters
[EasyDNNrotator:Description] – displays the description of the image
[EasyDNNrotator:Description:Limit:50] – limits the displayed description of the image to 50
[EasyDNNrotator:LastModified] – displays the last modified date of the displayed item
[EasyDNNrotator:LastModified:Code:EN-US] - displays the last modified date of the displayed item according to the specified code
[EasyDNNrotator:Link] – adds a URL on the item. On click the user will be redirected to this URL.
[EasyDNNrotator:EventDate] - Displays a date formatted according to an event type.
The event starts and ends on the same day. It is not all day event: 7/4/2012 12:00 AM - 16:00 PM
The event last for more than one day. It is not all day event: 7/4/2012 12:00 AM - 7/5/2012 12:00 PM
The event starts and ends the same day. It is all day event: 7/4/2012
The event last for more than one day. It is all-day event: 7/4/2012 - 7/5/2012
Description: Displays article published date in various formats. dateformat parameter is Microsoft standard date and time format string. For a full list of examples visit http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/az4se3k1.aspx.
Examples: [EasyDNNrotator:PublishDate:Format:dd/MM/yy]- output: 23/04/13 [EasyDNNrotator:PublishDate:Format:ddd-MMM-yy]- output: Tue-Apr-13
EasyDNNNews module custom fields tokens
Event counter tokens
News categories tokens
[EasyDNNrotator:Categories] – displays all categories where the article is added
[EasyDNNrotator:Categories:last] – displays the last subcategory of the categoy [EasyDNNrotator:Categories:last:nolink] – displays the last subcategory withut a link to the category
Article (event) google map location
Other easyDNNnews’ tokens
Autor: [EasyDNNrotator:Author]
DNNProfileLink: [EasyDNNrotator:Author:DNNProfileLink]
DNNProfileURL: [EasyDNNrotator:Author:DNNProfileURL]
Autor link: [EasyDNNrotator:Author:Link]
Comments: [EasyDNNrotator:Comments]
NumberOfViews: [EasyDNNrotator:NumberOfViews]
ArticleRatingNumber :[EasyDNNrotator:ArticleRatingNumber]