Setting up the initial settings
Choose and setup the Default and Custom module instance settings
There are two types of available settings - Default settings and Custom module instance settings. The Default settings are settings that are applied to multiple instances of the module so that it is not necessary, for example, to provide a Facebook APP ID for each instance of the module. The Module instance settings override the Default settings and only apply to one instance at a time.
It is possible to combine the Default settings with the Module settings per section. For example, the Comments settings section can be set to use the Default settings, while the Category filter can be set to use the Module instance settings.
Main display settings
Number of topics per page - Setting the amount of visible topics per page. Defines the paging page size
Pagination type - Choice of pagination type. There are three options: Infinite scroll, Infinite scroll on button click and Classic pagination
- Infinite scroll - Topics are loaded automatically as the page is being scrolled, until all the topics have been loaded
- Infinite scroll on button click - Topics are loaded by clicking the "Load more" button
- Classic - Paging with page numbers, topics are listed by selecting the page numbers
Display type - There are two types of initial display: View categories or View all topics without categories. Eg. if the forum has only one category then it is enough to immediately show all the topics without a category view
Categories > Topics > Details: A 3-level initial display. It shows the categories, which when selected show their respective topics, which in turn, once selected open the details of the topic in question
Topics > Details: A 2-level initial display. It shows all topics regardless of the category, which when selected open the details of the topic in question
Display related topics - Allows the related topics top be listed in the details of the original topic, if applicable. Related topics are shown depending on the tags provided in the original topic
Topic settings
Topics must be reviewed - Each topic will have to be submitted for review before being posted on the forum.
Notification settings
Enable notifications - Users will receive notifications when specific events occur on the forum - such as when new content is posted etc.
Send options - Choice of notification options. The following options are available:
- DNN notifications - Receive only DNN notifications for subscribed content
- HOST SMTP - Receive notifications for subscribed content only by email
- Both - Receive both DNN notifications and email notifications for subscribed content
From name - The name that will appear as the sender's name in the notification's subject field
From email - The email address of the notification sender
Reply To email - The email address that will receive the user's feedback
Facebook comment settings
Setting up the Facebook APP integration, as well as the appearance and sorting method of Facebook comments.
To integrate with Facebook comments, you need to provide a valid Facebook APP ID as well as a valid Facebook App Secret key. Both values are generated after creating a Facebook application. A tutorial on how to create a Facebook application can be found here.
Facebook comments can also work without the Facebook APP ID and Facebook App Secret, in which case there is no way to moderate the comments, so it is recommended to fill in both values. In the Facebook application, it is also advised to add a Callback URL that allows you to receive a notification when someone adds or deletes a comment. A callback URL can only be added to sites using the HTTPS protocol.
Number of comments per page - Setting the amount of Facebook comments per page
Color sheme - Choosing the default color scheme for Facebook comments amongst two versions (Light and Dark)
Order by - Sorting method for Facebook comments. Comments can be sorted by Social network, (regular) Time or Reverse time
Facebook autoposting enabled - Connect to Facebook and select one of your Facebook pages for new thread autoposting. Make sure you have entered a correct Facebook APP ID and Facebook App Secret key.
Important notice for module setup and comment display
Facebook comments are bound to links. The Absolute link from the site is the ID for the comments. That's why it is important to make sure not to change the page name once the forum has been made public, because comments that have already been added will not be displayed due to the change in page name or URL.
Native (DNN) comment settings
Comments must be reviewed - Each comment will have to be reviewed before being posted
Order by - Choose an available sorting method. The following options are available:
- Newest - Orders the native comments by newest first - this is the default option
- Oldest - Orders the native comments by oldest first
Use captcha - Use the Captcha feature when posting comments
For the Captcha feature to work properly you need to provide a valid Recaptcha Site Key as well as a valid Recaptcha Secret key.
Paging - Use paging in the comments section
Number of comments per page - Display the desired number of Facebook comments per page
Avatar type - Select either a Gravatar or a DNN profile avatar as your forum avatar
Category filter
All categories created in the module are available in all module instances. With the category filter you can choose which categories will appear in which module instance. All categories are displayed by default, so if you wish to disable the "Display all categories" option, you can select a single category or multiple categories to display instead.
Form settings
HTML editor - Choose a version of the HTML editor
NOTE: To use the CKEditor you should install the w8tcha version found here
Theme and template selection
Selecting the layout of the forum module. It is possible to choose a theme and individual templates for categories, topic list, topic details and native comments. CSS style allows you to select a color scheme. Module layouts are created using the Razor template engine.