Adding and editing a topic
Add topic
Title - the title of the topic to be added
URL Slug - the URL of the topic to be shown in the address bar. It's created from the topic name and it can be edited only by the administrator
Category - selection of the category to which the topic will be added. One topic can be added to a single category
Description - extensive description of the topic
Tags - keywords that improve the search efficiency as well as the definition of the topics related to the original topic. The number of tags per topic is limited to 10
Pin topic - visible only to administrators. Enables the topic to be pinned to the top of the topic list
Disable comments - visible only to administrators. This option can be toggled if the user doesn't want the commenting option to be enabled in topics such as forum rules or announcements
Permissions per topic - setting the topic visibility permissions. Permissions per topic override permissions per category
Show as locked topic - If this option is enabled and the user doesn't have the permission to view the topic, the topic will be shown in the topic list as locked and the user won't be able to see its details
Status - Choose between the:
- Draft status - Mark the topic as a draft, meaning it's not yet ready to be published and is visible to the author only and
- Publish status - Mark the topic as ready to be published or sent for review
Add topic - after the topic has been added successfully, the editor stays open in edit mode
Add and view - after the topichas been added successfully, the editor closes and the newly added topic is opened in details mode
Close - closes the editor
Delete category - deletes the topic. The topic can be deleted by a non-admin author as long as there are no comments bound to it. If there topic contains comments, then the topic can be deleted only by an administrator
Edit topic
The existing topic can be edited. All topics can be edited by administrators, while other users can edit only their own topics